Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Don't panic: I know CPR (and I know how to use my keys as a weapon!)

To answer Dad's question, yes, I have used my Spanish, especially being out in Jamul. Has it been very good? No. Haha. I've been able to say, "Hello, What's your name? How are you? My name is Sister Whitcomb and we are missionaries for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints." And then we just give them a pamphlet in Spanish. I know, not super effective, but I'll get better and become more confident. Most people who speak Spanish understand a little English so my Spanglish is on point! :)
I'm so glad everyone is doing well and laughing a lot! I've found that a laugh makes everything better, even if we laugh at how many appointments get cancelled, but mostly we laugh at my reactions to things. I'm working on my reactions to rejections--it's a work in progress but it's getting better. Sister Wardinsky is pro at that! After we get rejected she always puts on a big smile and says "Have a WONDERFUL day!" I'm learning from her example.
This week was full of miracles!!! I mean everyday is a miracle as a missionary. Sometimes I'm amazed I make it my bed every night: MIRACLE!
On Wednesday we went on exchanges with our STLs. I stayed in our area and Sister Wardinsky went to the Santee area. I was joined by Sister Wilson for 24 hours! It was a blast and we taught so much! We were running from appointment to appointment and it was the bomb dot com! And on the plus side we got a member to drive us around for three hours to three different lessons! A huge miracle in the missionary world! She was so good in lessons, she saved us miles and she was a great friend to all of the investigators! She better go on a mission--she's already a pro! So, if you can ever give the missionaries a ride, do it. We appreciate it and we know you'll be blessed!  :)
We taught three investigators in Jamul. They weren't super solid lessons, but that's okay! People in Jamul tend to be isolated because they want to be isolated, so that's a challenge. But we are always able to find super nice people! At one of the lessons we went to, the investigator asked us to go help her neighbor quickly because she really needed help. We were like Okay, why not? And I was picturing an older woman, but alas, I was wrong. We go down there (and mind you, as I'm explaining this, it all happened within about 30 seconds) and this woman who is barely dressed comes running up to us and asked if we were Jehovah's Witnesses and if we had devoted our lives to Christ. Of course I ended up doing the talking because I think the other two were just as speechless as she came out of nowhere and was very eager and very loud. Then a lady started screaming at us from the porch to get away from her and then two cop cars pull up and two cops jump out with bullet proof vests on. At that point I just wanted to disappear in the background! Haha we were all super confused and not entirely sure what happened, (I'm still not sure) but we made it out alive! Thank goodness!
All in all I really realized how important commitments are. As missionaries we can't make anybody do anything, we teach and invite and leave it in their hands. That's all we can do. It can be frustrating when people don't keep commitments--it makes me sad more than anything. They are withholding so many blessings from themselves! THIS GOSPEL IS SO GOOD AND ALL YOU NEED TO DO IS GO TO CHURCH, PRAY, AND READ THE SCRIPTURES! As missionaries we call that CPR. (C=Church, P=Pray, R=Read) It's vital for life and it's so true.
I still love everyone and I've made great connections with people, and then that makes it even harder to let someone go when they aren't making commitments. Had to do that yesterday but I know it's for the best. Other missionaries will come along and I know they will be ready!
Thursday I got Sister Wardinsky back! I missed her. She's a blessing in my life!
Anyway, funny experience: we were trying to contact a media referral from a while back. (Media referral meaning someone who went to a church site or was exposed to some church media and wanted to hear more, so they give their contact information.) We were struggling. The address was in Dulzura, CA, aka the middle of nowhere. There is one rest stop and their post office is the size of a bedroom, maybe. But we were on this super bumpy dirt road, going five mph so tiwi wouldn't yell at me. We drive up to this house, and we think it's the one. All of a sudden I see six or eight dogs, but they looked like wolves charging at us. I knew Sister Wardinsky wasn't going to get out of the car, she is TERRIFIED of dogs. So I start emergency backing up, (generally, as a missionary when you back up your companion has to get out of the car to make sure you don't hit anything) and I think Sister Wardinsky was half laughing, half crying. It was quite the funny experience. Good times in Dulzura. Then later that night was a huge miracle. But just to back up, on exchanges, Sister Wilson and the member (Brookelynn Goodrich) and I tried an investigator who the Elders previously weren't really visiting. His name is Doug, he is super nice, has some different views on things but sincerely asked us if he could come to church. Of course we said yes! Then apparently Doug was trying to get a hold of us so he called the mission office. So we had calls from the mission office and the zone leaders that day, and we thought we were in trouble! But Doug just wanted to reach us, so we called him adn he basically asked us if he could be baptized!!!!! What?!?!?! He has read all of The Book of Mormon, knows it's true, and is just basically asking for help to find his way. Basically, what he said is "I'M PUMPED!!!!" And then the next day he called us again and wanted to set a baptismal date for him!!!! So cool, this work is awesome! So I'm excited to work with Doug!
Also a cool thing that we've been doing, like I've said before, is singing during lessons or on the street or whatever. So one night we ran into a less active who is really struggling. We were talking to her and I felt prompted that we needed to sing "I Need Thee Every Hour." I pulled it up on my iPad, flashed it to my companion so she knew what I was going to say. And we sang it. Super powerful! My companion and the less active started sobbing. I know--surprise, surprise! It wasn't me!
Hymns are super powerful! Also remember those self defense classes they would make us take in High School? Pay attention. I haven't had to use it, but knowing how to use my keys as a weapon as we are walking around at 8:30 at night makes my companion feel safe and laugh. She knows it's serious when I pull out the keys and have them sticking out from my knuckles. I'm sure I painted a great picture for all of you!
No need to be scared, just laugh! Sister Whitcomb can get fancy with the keys! ;)
My favorite day of the week...... SUNDAY!!!! The title for my journal on Sunday was "Sunday Funday!"
Because man, it was a fun day! We did our splits ordeal again and I was in Jamul this week. But before I tell you about Sunday let me tell you about the preparation for Sunday. We were given the idea by President Schmitt to fit all the meetings to our investigators. Call the speakers, Gospel Doctrine teacher, RSP and EQP and tell them what the needs of your investigators are and have them address it in the lesson. So we did that. And man, was Sunday powerful. In Hillsdale we had two investigators come and two less actives! And Sister Wardinsky said Sacrament Meeting and Sunday School was perfect for them! Couldn't get better! And I was SO happy to hear that!
In Jamul it was the primary program, so that just made it fantastic! I love kids! And Jamul had two investigators there as well, including Doug! I was pumped! And Doug loved the primary program, LOVED it, and they talked about baptism in it, it was perfect! And Doug walked out of Gospel Doctrine with exactly what he needed. It was AWESOME! And plus I got to partake of the Sacrament--never can complain about that! Just a smiley day! :)
Yesterday was AWESOME!
A few weeks ago I met a Russian woman on the street and offered to give her a church tour. She accepted. And yesterday was the day and she actually showed up! That in itself was a miracle, at least I think so. So we had the tour and while we were giving it to her we just taught the lesson, The Message of the Restoration. I felt pretty clever while doing that. Throughout the whole tour I could feel the spirit. She loved the building, she loved what we were talking about and when we entered into the Chapel she got instant goosebumps. I saw them, and she said she felt so good! We watched the four minute Restoration Video and she loved it! She wants to come to church this Sunday, and literally like two hours ago we saw her in the grocery store and she said, "See you Sunday!" I'm pumped!!! Church tours are the BEST! The spirit speaks all languages and I can not wait to see what a Russian Book of Mormon looks like. And a member in our ward speaks Russian! No coincidences in the Lord's work! I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH! Always rely on the Lord. Never leave him, he'll never leave you!
Sister Whitcomb

P.S. At La Vida Real, we had dinner with our favorite famous Ednis Smith and some other members. They wanted a picture of us to post on the FB page for Mission Mamas. Ednis is one of my favorites! She cracks me up!

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